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2010年9月口译考试热点话题整理 G20峰会 重点词汇梳理. The Fourth Summit of the Group of 20 (G20) major economies began a plenary session at the Metro Toronto Con

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马交所规范卖空【Regulated Short Selling,简称RSS】和借票交易【Securities Borrowing and Lending,简称SBL】的100只股限制获解放,昨天(22日)起将增加至171只。 仅限大户先借票才可交易 卖空股放宽难激买 亚洲股票: 30-70% 亚洲固定收益: 30-70% 其他资产种类: 0-20% 现金: 0-30% 本基金须承担所持有金融工具所产生的市场 价格风险、信贷风险、利率风险、流通性风 险及汇兑风险。 本基金的风险承担及用以管理此等风险而采 用的风险管理政策探讨如下: (b) 市场 第三章 ABM建模基础 资产价格(债券、股票、房地产) When the trader focuses on the problems (there can be numerous problems, for instance, lack of means, resources and knowledge), he feels anger, guilt, disappointment and dissatisfaction. But such an emotional state will not let him move forward. If the loss is 反弹道导弹条约 Anti-ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM) 反弹道导弹体系 anti-ballistic missile system. 贩毒集团 drug cartel. 反对党 opposotion party. 返回式卫星 return satellite. 反腐倡廉 fight corruption and build a clean government 翻盖式移动电话 flip phone. 翻建 renovate; rebuild on an old foundation

知识经济 knowledge-based economy 知识经济 knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy 知识转让 transfer of knowledge 知己知彼,百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. 84 职务犯罪 crime by taking advantage of duty 职业培训 job training 职业高中

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